If you are interested in buying anything, give me a call at 0910641538 mornings, afternoons, or after 9:30 pm. Customers in Canada should dial 011-886-910641538 to order and discuss shipping options.
Friends who notice that I am selling things that you gave me should know that I plan to use part of the profits to buy you a beer the next time I see you.
Everything is cleaned and ready to go.

Sampo Toaster Oven - 200 NT

Wok with copper bottom - 100 NT
Tea Pot - 100 NT

Heater - 150 NT... just look at that heat!

As well, if you are looking for an apartment, mine will be available. It's a pretty new 2 bedroom split level apartment next to the LuoDong Sports Park (not the castle or GuanTianXia).
It is fully furnished and has a good sized kitchen, living room, 1.5 bathrooms and hardwood floors upstairs.
Rent is 6000 a month plus utilities, plus a two month damage deposit. The landlord is totally hands off. You will never hear from her. Let me know
20塊錢的燈...可以送給我嗎? ^_^ 看起來很有氣氛的樣子!!! Wei Yi
Well, that toaster oven looks nice. It really looks clean and functional. Let me check my bank balance.
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