Finished traveling, started... something.
I've been here for a week now. I've seen the big city sights, and met a friend from Taiwan.
Anton was born in Taiwan, grew up in New Jersey, went to University in California, and now lives with his parents in Shanghai. He's been studying Chinese for the past couple of years, and he is going to start a five year program in Traditional Chinese Medicine next week. The whole program is in Chinese of course, so I guess he should be absolutely fluent when it's all over and done with. Then he plans to move back to the States and open a practice.
Finally got out of the city a couple of days ago, and right now we are staying in a little village called XiDi in AnHui province. This one's a UNESCO world heritage sight with hardly any tourists. Amazing place. We are staying in a guesthouse in the middle of the village that some friends of Anton's parents own. They bought a 500 year old farm house and renovated it into an amazing living space. Apparently the UN folks stay here when they come.
Looking out over the village from the third floor.
First floor - recieving room, dining room and sky well. There is an opening in the roof three floors above these plants that lets in the sunlight and the rain. Letting the rain in has something to do with letting wealth in... It's really beautiful.
Anton and Aki.
The neighbor's place.
And more neighbors still.
P.S. LiJiang sucks.
Consider yourselves taught. I know I did.
This should be a dead giveaway. The landmark of the city. It's surely the ugliest building in existence. Contrast this building with my favorite, the stunning Bank of China building in Hong Kong - See Images (1) (2) (3) .
From the 88th floor of the JinMao Building, third tallest in the world I hear.
There are hundreds and hundreds of skyscrapers. They are located all over the city, rather than in one concentrated area, which gives you the impression that you are in the biggest modern city in the world. There are bigger ones though...
I also added some more pictures at the bottom of the previous post from the bike tour.