Finished up the camp yesterday, and I'm honestly sorry to see it finished. It was a great month of teaching and spending a lot quality time with some amazing children. There were a lot of tears on the last day!What to do, what to do... I'm going to do a little cycling around Korea if the weather holds. There's rumor of a Typhoon out there though, so who knows what's going to happen.
A position teaching at the here at the University opened up for this fall that is mine for the taking. It would be a great job. Only 3 hours of class every evening with 14 uni students. Same deal with the room and board, and I could study some Korean with the Chinese students every morning for a small fee. There are also free tae kwon do lessons twice a week. Best part is it's only a three month contract that finishes up on December 1st.
Hmmm. Not sure if I'm going to do it yet. Your suggestions are welcome.
Here are some pics from the past few weeks.
Ye-won and Hyun-min working on a Valentines Day crossword puzzle in the evening.
Morning exercise. Bring it on.

Left to Right: My students Hyun-chang, Min-kyung, and Eun-ji at morning exercise.

Young-in taking a break after morning exercise.

Hyun-min's morning face.

Ye-won and number 1 student Yu-jin pose for a picture. That's Jun-ho in the back.

Another day, another meal complimented by